November 28, 2023

#24 How To Become Magnetic
Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of How To Be Magnetic!

*If you missed Ep 23 — Part 1, check it out here to learn the first 4 keys to be magnetic.

Wouldn’t it be great to be a literal magnet for your dreams?  To naturally pull your desires and goals to you?

It all starts with deepening your self-identity and connection with yourself, AND, as you’ll learn in this episode — getting rid of energy leaks, soul-sucking to-do lists, and outdated versions of you.

Your personal magnetism:

This episode is the second of a two-part shortie to give you quick, actionable ways to step into your own authentic and natural magnetism.

Each of the remaining 3 keys will help you deepen your self-identity, who you are, and what you’re here to do – and help you develop your own personal power.

What I cover in Part 2:

  • The #1 word that makes you more magnetic — every time
  • The most important areas to declutter, clear space and let go of, in your life.
  • 3 Questions to ask yourself when you find it hard to let go
  • How to develop rock-solid (+ humble) self-confidence and self-esteem
  • What courage has to do with magnetism and how to navigate fear

Not only will you become magnetic to your dreams and desires, but magnetic as a person and leader – and have a bigger impact in the world.

Let’s dive in.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:


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