The Soul Craft Your Life Podcast

with Carmen Marshall

How do I build my dream life? My dream business? Does manifestation work?
Is my soulmate out there? Does following your intuition, synchronicity and heart work? What is my purpose, and why the heck am I here? 

And the biggest question of all

How do I create a grand, beautifully fulfilling life -- full of meaning, impact, joy, inspiration, and love?

The Soul Craft Your Life Podcast is the place for purpose-driven humans who want to create and live their best life -- redefining what it means to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Subscribe now to create a magical and fulfilling life — learning from the wisdom and lived experiences of intriguing experts, thought leaders + fascinating human beings.


#29 How to Trust the Process While Your Dreams Manifest

One of the hardest parts of the manifestation process can be the “gap” – between...

#28 What Beliefs Support A Soulful + Successful Life?
Part 2

On Ep 27, I covered the first part of a two-part series on the beliefs...

#27 What Beliefs Support A Soulful + Successful Life?
Part 1

I just sent out my annual Soul Craft Feedback Survey, and your feedback and suggestions...

#26 2024 Magic: Two Must-Do Actions

Have you set your intentions for 2024? Yes or no, I’ve got you covered because...

#25 How to Create More Magic In Your Life (+ why it’s important)

Do you ever wish your life felt more, more magical and enjoyable, — AND do...

#24 How To Become Magnetic
Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of How To Be Magnetic! *If you missed Ep 23 —...

#23 How To Become Magnetic
Part 1

Wouldn’t it be great to be a literal magnet for your dreams?  To naturally pull...

#22 When Your Manifestation Doesn’t Happen

As you know, I had a major plot twist (re-direction) last month — AFTER I...

#21 How to Manifest Quickly Q&A

Wow – thank you so much for you wonderful feedback on Episode 20 – and...

#20 When You Want To Manifest Quickly

Yes, it’s me – I’m finally back! I know, it’s been more than a minute...

#19 Manifesting in Relationships

Episode 19 is all about Manifesting in Relationships! I just finished my 5-Day LIVE Create...

#18 How to use Energy + Intention for Manifesting

Episode 18 is all about how to use Energy + Intention for Manifesting Have you...

As Seen In


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