January 9, 2024

#26 2024 Magic: Two Must-Do Actions

Have you set your intentions for 2024?

Yes or no, I’ve got you covered because there are TWO things you MUST – to set the foundation for an amazing, magical, and aligned year.

These two steps will amplify any intention you set, and will also make sure you don’t have any handbrakes on to slow down or hinder your goals.

My students and clients always tell me these 2 things are game-changers – yet, most people don’t do them, or even know about them and why they work.

So let’s get down to business and supercharge your intention setting for 2024!

What I cover:

  • The two actions that make all the difference + why you MUST do.
  • How to make intention setting fun, easy, and effective.
  • What the universe really wants for you.
  • How to reframe perceived failures and disappointments
  • What do if you haven’t set ANY intentions yet.

Get ready to learn the most important things to do for intention setting – that will set 2024 up to be your best year yet – until 2025! ✨🪄

Let’s dive in.

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As a thank you, I would love to send you my 20 personal affirmations for manifesting an aligned, magical and fulfilling life. To access this freebie, send a screenshot of your review to soulcraft@carmenmarshall.com and we’ll send my favorite affirmations + mantras straight to your inbox.

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And lastly, please be sure to tag me @carmen_marshall on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word if you enjoyed this episode – I love reading your aha’s and experience.

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