A Personal Belief System Check-in


Do you ever stop to assess and re-align your actions to get better results? Does that assessment involve going back to your basics and review your core beliefs?


Every now and then I do this, especially when I’m working on taking my results to the next level. This helps me answer the key question: Are my actions aligned to my beliefs?

For me, the Be-Do-Have principle was one of the teachings that expanded my growth and inspired me into creation 20 years ago and still does today. It’s become so significant that I use it as a North star to guide me back into alignment when I feel the need.

In this vlog I share 3 basic steps to implement this principle in order to attract the results you desire and achieve your goals.


And how to do it with ease, the Soul Craft way.


Watch the vlog to find out how I use this MasterKey principle and how it can support you.


Resources: “Ask & It’s Given” by Abraham-Hicks; We don’t attract what we want, we attract who we are – quote from the book “The Power of Intention” by Wayne Dyer; “The Master Key System” by Charles F. Haanel.


Over to You


    • What is one of the main beliefs that you feel aligned to?
    • Where do you feel most inspired to use this MasterKey principle?
    • What did you find most helpful from the vlog?

Share any thoughts in the comments below – I personally read every single comment and always respond – I love to hear.


Lots of love,


Carmen xo


PS: Think someone would benefit from this vlog? Sharable icons on the left ;-)

PSS: If you’re all about assessing your goals and results, download my FREE Soul Craft™ New + Full Moon Calendar to support your manifesting skills by connecting to nature.

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