December 20, 2022

#17 Manifesting Your Dream Business

Episode 17 is all about Manifesting Your Dream Business with Leah Bosworth

I’m super excited about this interview because I’ve been wanting to bring you Manifestation Success Stories – case studies of normal people that we can all relate to who have manifested their dream businesses, relationships and/or life.

Why?  Because one of the quickest ways to manifest is to see and hear examples of manifestation – it expands what we think is possible for ourselves into a KNOWING that we can do it too.

Leah Bosworth is our first case study and I chose her not only b/c she manifested her dream yoga studio in record time after attending my Soul Craft Retreat in Bali (fomerly known as Create a Life You Love Retreats), but also because of how she pivoted during COVID, and then the manifestation her business morphed into.

So a little background – Leah is the founder and owner of Ironwood Yoga Studios and Ironwood Mills.  She began studying yoga in 1997 while pursuing her acting career in NYC.

In 2005, wanting to escape the harsh winters of NY, Leah followed her intuition and moved to the warm, arid desert of Pheonix, Arizona where she decided to focus on her passion — teaching.  Little did she know she would become the owner of not only a yoga studio but also a woodworking company with her life partner Scott Mills.

In less than five years she built two six figure companies simultaneously. At the beginning of the pandemic she pivoted to live streaming classes and filmed over 500 classes in four months. Ironwood Mills continued to stay busy so she turned her attention to growing the woodworking business.

She is now bridging the two entities with her new program Yoga for Dirty Dummies. Yoga for blue collar workers or anyone who feels like they wouldn’t be caught dead in a yoga class ;-)

What we cover:

  • The #1 way to manifest quickly
  • Why our childhood gives us so many answers
  • What meditation really does
  • The important of making decisons, even when it’s hard
  • Why you don’t have to know HOW
  • Following your intuition, especially when it doesn’t make sense
  • Being ok with asking for help
  • The power wayshowers

Leah’s interview is such a fun story of her manifestation journey and is filled with so many easy and doable tips and strategies – you’ll be able to see yourself in her – and replicate her mindset and action steps to achieve your own dreams.

Let’s dive in together.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:


Where to connect with Leah


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