How to Have Your Best Year Ever


What a crazy ride it’s been for the past 2 years. None of us could have ever predicted COVID 19, its impact, or imagined it would continue on this long, to say the least.

Soul Craft is all about creating a life you love and a life that works — but it can feel difficult to create the life you want when there are still so many restrictions for many of us (limited travel is a big one for me).

However, there is still so much within our control, so much beauty in the world, and so many ways that we can create and design a “this or better” life, right now.

So how can you have your best year ever (aka most fulfilling, meaningful, and aligned)?


1. Update your Dreamboard

Hands down, dream boards are one of the quickest and simplest ways to attract what you want into your life.

If you’ve been following me for a while or taken any of my courses, you know that I’m all about simplicity. The best dream board isn’t the perfect one — it’s the one that is UP.

This means — don’t wait til you have time to update it (or create it), because it will never get done. Find 1-2 images right now, and then add more over the next few weeks.

Physical or digital?



I’m a big believer in physical dream boards, but I also have rotating screen saver images on my laptop — they’re how I manifested all of my dream houses, in Bali, Maui and Australia.

Action Step: In the next thirty min, find two images that depict the life you want and add them to your dream board (or to your bathroom mirror if you haven’t created one yet). Click here for how to create a dream board that works — Soul Craft Style.

How to have your best year vision board

2. Choose 3 Theme Words for 2022

What do you want this year to be about? What do you want to focus on? Choose 3 theme words that sum up what is most important to you for this year.

Words are powerful and have their own magical potency. Write down 5-7 words quickly and then choose three. Put your theme words on your dream board, day planner, journal, and mirror where you can see them every day.

My 2022 Theme Words: Ease, Purpose + Joy

What are yours? Tell me in the comments below.


3. Ask yourself “How can I” questions

As Tony Robbins says, the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our questions. But most people ask themselves disempowering questions such as, “Why is this happening to me? Why is this not working? Why do I get excited and then lose motivation? ”

Our brain then responds with disempowering answers such as, “Because I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough, I guess I’m not meant to be doing this” etc.

However, if we ask ourselves empowering questions using the phrase, “How can I?”, our brain (and subconscious) will find an empowering answer.

Q: “How can I be/do ____?”
A: “I can be/do _____ by asking an expert/coach, joining a mastermind, taking a course/reading a book, talking to someone who has done this before successfully” etc.

Action Step: Listen to your self-talk and replace any why sentence with How can I….?


4. Make your morning ritual non-negotiable

This one takes more effort and consistency BUT it will reward you 100x’s over. I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough. When interviewed about their habits that make a difference — almost all successful people say that they 1) read voraciously, 2) have a strong network 3) have a morning ritual.

My morning ritual is very simple — I create my day by setting intentions and meditating, breathing or moving. At night, I review my day, set my intentions for the next day, and count off 10 things on my fingers that I’m grateful for.

Morning rituals especially are crucial because this is how you tap into the quantum field, the mystical and magical — and start co-creating with something bigger than yourself.

However, what you do for your morning and evening rituals needs to work for YOU (see my blog here for ideas) and up-dated as you flow through life. What sourced you last year may need to be changed up for this year.

The most important thing is to keep rituals simple and consistent — so you do them.

Action Step: Commit to a 10 min Morning Ritual Practice (that feels right for you) and do 3-5 times per week.


5. Set 3 Goals for 2022

Write down 3 goals for 2022 that you know would make a huge difference to your soulful success and happiness. Think business, health, lifestyle, relationships, purpose and passions.

Of course, you can set more goals, but it’s helpful for the brain and subconscious to specifically name the 3 most important things for you in 2022 – and then keep them at the forefront of monthly and weekly planning.

Action Step: What are your 3 most important goals for 2022? Tell me in the comments below.


6. Keep your vibration high

Everything is about energy – how we feel, our mental outlook, attitude, confidence, connection, kindness, compassion, love — it all affects our ability to manifest.

It’s definitely been more difficult to stay positive and sourced over the past 2 years. This in turn affects our ability to create the life we want. But just a slight shift can put you back in alignment.

I know you know this, but reduce media intake, get off devices and into nature as often as you can. Nature is an instant restorer of energy.

Take action or ask where you can help — instead of obsessing or worry.

Replace anxiety with gratitude. Be kind. Do things that you love every day.

Move. Dance it out. Hug a lot. Adopt a pet. Call a friend.

Do what you can to make a difference even in small ways — it makes you FEEL good — and it has a ripple effect.

One of my favorite ways to energetically make a difference, or solve a challenge I’m worried about, is to lie down and send love and energy from my heart and womb (solar plexus for men). I send love, energy and compassion to the situation, and all the people involved.

I’ve bought and sold houses, resolved difficult business issues, relationships, and even divorce challenges this way — it’s an incredibly powerful way to positively affect outcomes for everyone.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It creates miracles — and we can tap into it at any time.


7. Prioritize your Passions + Purpose

We are each here for a unique reason and it is always connected to our passions, interests, and purpose. This is why Soul Craft is all about centering your business and life around what you love and your purpose.

When we start to feel purposeless, like things aren’t flowing or working, or life feels mundane and meaningless — the solution is always to go back to: what is my purpose, why am I here? how can I best contribute? how can I help others?

If you know your purpose — do something towards it every day. If you’re not sure of your purpose yet, start with doing things that you love, that you enjoy, or that you’re curious about. Don’t overthink, or stress about it — the thread of enjoyment and curiosity will always lead you to your purpose.

Soul Craft Retreats in Bali, Tulum and Sanoviv will be resuming hopefully soon — with the key focus always being on discovering and living your purpose.

But in the meantime, if you want to start exploring your purpose, check out my blog here — it will give you some great first steps!


Over To You!


  • Which tip was the most useful for you to put into action?
  • What are your 3 Theme Words for 2022?
  • What are your 3 MIT Goals for 2022?

As always, the best part of blogging is the conversation afterward — your comments help and inspire others, and I love interacting with all of you.

PS: Think someone would benefit from this blog? Sharable icons on the left.

PPS: Soul Craft Fridays is back next week — my best bite-sized business, health and lifestyle Tips delivered straight into your inbox. If you’re not on my email list yet, be sure to subscribe here.

Lots of love,

Carmen xo


Want to FEEL your best in 2022? Tomorrow is the LAST day to register for our famous January Group SexyFit® Nutrition Challenge and take control of your health.

Have you tried a SoulFit Dance Class yet? It’s one of the quickest ways to shift energy and raise your vibration. We have weekly online (worldwide) and live (Noosa, Australia) classes. Register here for your first class — bring your kids, friends, partner — it’s a blast!

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From the rice fields
of Bali, the wellness spa
at Sanoviv, or the beaches
of Tulum, accompany me on
a very special adventure
this year.


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