Have you struggled with perfectionism?


I sure have.


Perfectionism has been something that I struggled with in my teens and 20s and really started working on in my early 30s. And although it’s still occasionally there, the insights it leaves behind when it rears its head in my life are crucial.

In a coaching session I held for my Soul Crafters as part of my signature course (Soul Craft Your Way to 100K) I noticed that this is a topic that comes up repeatedly, especially among women-preneurs.

This inspired me to share my journey through perfectionism and what comes to the surface when I let go of it, which is the most inspiring and empowering piece of the puzzle.

So, what’s on the other side of being yourself and playing full out no matter what other people think of you?

For me it’s incredible growth, lived experiences, joy and… being even more effective at whatever my goal is (surprise!).

Have you struggled with perfectionism?

Over to you — Let me know if this was helpful to you in the comments below. I’d love to hear your stories and see how we can all continue to give each other permission to be authentic in our own unique ways :)

Lots of love,


Carmen xo


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