Need help with Goal Setting for 2012?

I have an up-coming event I’m really excited about.  I’ll be doing a one hour tele-seminar with Laurie Gerber, President of the HandelGroup® (my personal Life Coaching Company of choice) on how to pinpoint and realize your dreams for 2012.  Dive into the Promise of You… doesn’t that sound yummy?

Note:  Pre-register TODAY to save your seat AND receive your prep questions for the call.  Your “prep-work” consists of two powerful questions that will allow you to get the most out this call and YOUR 2012.

This call IS for you if:

  • You deeply desire to create an amazing 2012 for your health, prosperity and relationships
  • You’re ready for 2012 to be different than any other year, and are committed to looking at things in a different way
  • You’re ready to identify and bust excuses that are holding you hostage

This call is NOT for you if:

  • You think you’ve done all the personal development you need to do
  • You’re happy listening to the excuses in your head as to why you can’t do or really have what you want
  • You don’t really believe you can create the life, body, business and relationships you want

Now, since you’re a subscriber to my blog, it’s kind of a given that you’re in Category 1.  Laurie is an AMAZING coach that you’ll get to experience first hand, and I’ll be sharing lots of juicy details about my own life/business, and exactly how I use the Handel life-coaching techniques.

All details about the tele-seminar here:

Dive Into the Promise of You

Did you ever wonder how YOU could be the person you always wanted to be? This teleseminar is like a tasting menu of a gourmet dinner. On the menu: how to pinpoint your dreams, how to stop sabotaging yourself with excuses, and how to get yourself to do what you know you should do. We will serve it up with a helping of this question: Did you know you can change your habits and even your personality once you figure out what’s really important to you, and learn the tools to get your heart, mind and body in alignment? President of Handel Group® Life Coaching, Laurie Gerber will lead this hour-long exploration into aligning our heart, mind and body with special guest Carmen Marshall, record-breaking wellness business consultant.

Wednesday, January 25th
9-10pm ET*
Led by Laurie Gerber & Special Guest & Wellness-Business Consultant, Carmen Marshall



*Recording available if you’re registered, but not able to get on the call live.

PS:  Feel free to share this blog with anyone that you think would benefit from designing their 2012, busting their excuses and learning how to stick to what they say they will do.  For $10, it’s a steal, as normal life-coaching is anywhere between $150-$299 per hour.  AND…it’s open to ANYONE who wants to create an AMAZING life.

“Hear” you next Wednesday!

Be Happy…Be Vibrant…


Carmen xo

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From the rice fields
of Bali, the wellness spa
at Sanoviv, or the beaches
of Tulum, accompany me on
a very special adventure
this year.


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