My partner’s mother was just diagnosed with terminal cancer last night in New Zealand.  As I read the news this morning in an email that was sent in the middle of the night – all kinds of feelings coursed through my body.

Sadness (Pauline is such an amazing lady – it’s too soon), heart-ache (Rutherford loves her so much – so much pain he is going through), anger (how could the medical system miss this? Multitudinous hospital visits trying to pinpoint the cause of 2 years of pain and nothing found til now?), fear (my own parents are getting older), guilt (I don’t stay in contact with my loved ones enough) and wonderment (how short our lifespan is and are we really living the life we want and as Rutherford always says, are we being and doing “what matters”?)

After hearing the news, one of mentors and close friends Penny Kirk noted, “It is amazing how many of us are going through these transitions right now with loved ones”.

So I thought I would share with you my experience today, in the hope that if you have a loved one or friend going through something similar, my process may help you.

What I decided to do right away:

1.  To contribute in anyway possible to help Pauline have the BEST next few weeks and months.  To bring her joy and happiness in little ways.

  • Flowers sent
  • Emails & Calls
  • Pictures taken on my iphone during the day/week that might brighten her day – from Luna & Nina (our pets), to the ocean, to past pictures
  • DVD’s and books that I can send that she will enjoy

2.  To encourage Pauline to come to Sanoviv – in my opinion, the absolute best place in the world to rest and heal.

3.  To support Rutherford so he has the strength and energy to give support to his mum.

4.  To let my “tribe” know what is happening so they could email support to Rutherford and send powerful, collective, healing energy to Pauline.

  • This had an unexpected and beautiful outcome.  Not only was my tribe able to do the above, but they were so happy to be included in the “journey”.  This reminded me that we are all so connected, and WANT to help each other – and that we can.  I was so touched by my “tribe” – thank you to all my wonderful family and friends.

What I committed to doing in my own life:

1.  To call my own parents once a week – even if just for 5 minutes.  Send them more pictures of what I’m up to (how easy is it with our iphones these days?)

2.  To reach out to friends that have a loved one going through a health challenge.  I now understand how important, supportive and timely an email or quick call can be.

3.  To be even MORE pro-active about getting people to take on their health.  It’s a large part of what I do in my businesses and my life, but I want to help even MORE people live long and healthy lives.

4.  To re-design my life to focus more on what really matters to me and how I want to live my life.  Translation: A commitment to 10 minutes in the morning to journal, meditate, and create specifically with this intention in mind.  Action: Iphone alarm clock is now set to 6:00 am :)

A beautiful thought from one of my wonderful friends, responding to my “tribe” email:

  • “The thought that we are all eternal energy and we all come here for a short moment to experience that contrast from who we really are, is quite comforting to me.” – Sandra Dickinson

Did this blog stir something in you?  If so…

Action Steps:

1.  What suggestions do you have for helping during transitions for loved ones?

2.  How can you connect more with your family and friends more regularly?

3.  How can you design your life to bring in more of what matters to YOU?

I would LOVE to hear your comments, suggestions and experiences below the blog…we’re all one big tribe that can help each other – pretty cool huh?  So much wisdom we can learn from each other.  Click HERE to comment.

Til next week…

Need help with your 2012 Goal Setting?

I have an up-coming event I’m really excited about.  I’ll be doing a one hour tele-seminar with Laurie Gerber, President of the HandelGroup® (my personal Life Coaching Company of choice) on how to pinpoint and realize your dreams for 2012.  Pre-register TODAY to save your seat.  We only have 100 lines for this seminar and it is open to guests worldwide.  If everyone pre-registers and we need more lines, I can request more lines, but need to know asap to organize.

Dive Into the Promise of You

Did you ever wonder how YOU could be the person you always wanted to be? This one hour tele-seminar will help you to pinpoint your dreams, stop sabotaging yourself with excuses, and get yourself to do what you know you should do. President of Handel Group® Life Coaching, Laurie Gerber will lead this hour-long exploration into aligning our heart, mind and body with special guest Carmen Marshall, record-breaking wellness business consultant.

Wednesday, January 25th
9-10pm ET $20
Led by Laurie Gerber & Special Guest & Wellness-Business Consultant, Carmen Marshall



Be Happy…Be Vibrant…


Carmen xo

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